
ThemetadatainJPEGfileisstoredinAPPn(0xFF,0xEn)segmentandthecommentisstoredinCOMsegment(0xFF,0xFE).SeveralvendorsmightusethesameAPPn ...,JPEGmetadataconsistsofthedatacontainedinmarkersegmentsinaJPEGstream.Theimagemetadataobjectreturnedfromareaddescribesthecontentsofthe ...,Exifmetadataarerestrictedinsizeto64kBinJPEGimagesbecauseaccordingtothespecificationthisinformationmustbecontainedwithinasin...

The Metadata in JPEG files

The metadata in JPEG file is stored in APPn (0xFF, 0xEn) segment and the comment is stored in COM segment (0xFF, 0xFE). Several vendors might use the same APPn ...

JPEG Metadata Format Specification and Usage Notes

JPEG metadata consists of the data contained in marker segments in a JPEG stream. The image metadata object returned from a read describes the contents of the ...


Exif metadata are restricted in size to 64 kB in JPEG images because according to the specification this information must be contained within a single JPEG ...

EXIF Data Viewer

EXIF is short for Exchangeable Image File, a format that is a standard for ... Valid file types: JPG/JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PSD, BMP, RAW, CR2, CRW, PICT ...


The EXIF-JPEG metadata structure is similar to JPEG one. But EXIF-JPEG sends the Exif APP1 marker segment data in parsed form and Jfif APP0 marker segment ...


View EXIF data of your images online. Find when and where the picture was taken. Remove metadata and location from the photo to protect your privacy.

Exif Exchangeable Image File Format, Version 2.2

2023年11月3日 — Compressed Exif files are recorded as baseline JPEG (ISO/IEC 10918-1) with metadata-containing application marker segments (APP1 and APP2) ...

JPEG Encoded File with Exif Metadata

2023年11月6日 — One of two file types defined in the Exif specifications, mainly intended for digital photography. Employs baseline JPEG compression encoding ( ...

Description of Exif file format

Basically, Exif file format is the same as JPEG file format. Exif inserts some of image/digicam information data and thumbnail image to JPEG in conformity to ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
